Spanking Spears, Cruising for aliens, Edwards appealing to bigot demographic

I'm sure there was more I could list but I just didn't have the time today. Enjoy these few articles and feel free comment.

  • Is Britney Spears hitting her kids? - According to some court papers released, it sounds like she might be. “She’s got a lot on her plate,” a friend to Spears said. “But to accuse her of hitting her kids is far-fetched. She would do anything for those babies and would give her own life in a heartbeat to make sure they have a good life.” I have a suggestion - could Britney Spears go ahead and give her life up for her kids?
  • Tom Cruise is building a $10 million bunker - to hide from aliens.
  • John Edwards, racist? - ". . . pretty soon we’re not going to have a young African-American male population in America. They’re all going to be in prison or dead. One of the two.” Recent studies actually show that 864,000 young African-American males are in college and 802,000 of African-American males are in jail. This means that more of them are in college than in jail. More alarming to Edwards though - there are 1,666,000 young African-American males in the U.S.

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