Autism Awareness Month 2011: Not an April Fool's Joke

April is Autism Awareness Month and those that know me, know I have a son diagnosed with Autism. For the entire month, I am going post on the subject as it relates to my life today and hopefully continue to shed light and bring awareness to people around me. To catch yourself up a little on my backstory with Autism and to prevent from me rehashing old topics, please check out last years series on Autism here.

To show support, some people wear blue, some use rainbow colored ribbons, and others preferr to use variations of puzzle pieces on their websites. The puzzle piece makes the most sense to me but some people with autism feel it's offensive, so this year I'll just stick to using the word AUTISM in really big letters.

I'd love to get some guest posts from anyone who would like to share their experiences and I'm planning an interview with a leader of a local autism awareness orginization that has stuck something in my craw. Is that a saying? I feel like it is but that I'm also messing it up. Let's get people to start using that.

Please feel free to enter your email address in the form below to get the latest updates during this series and to contact me at chase.roper(at) if you're interesting in sharing a guest post. Let's autism up some peoples' craws!

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