Limit toilet paper to curb global warming

Singer/songwriter, Sheryl Crow, is taking to environmental activism these days. Crow just wrapped up a U.S. tour she took on a bio-diesel fueled bus to raise global warming awareness and has offered up an overlooked suggestion to help the environment.

"I propose a limitation be put on how many squares of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting," says Crow.

As ridiculous as that may sound, I'm glad she brought up the point. It seems that the topic of climate change has become synonymous with oil and burning fuels, when in fact you really need to take the massively bigger picture on this topic. What about toilet paper usage? What about consumerism? With so many people buying so many goods in this world each day, how are these products supposed to get from Point A to Point B, C, or D? They're transported. While outspoken advocates to live a more Green live convince us to drive hybrid cars, car pool, and shop online rather than drive to stores, all these things that are being produced at these jobs we drive to, or order on the internet are being flown and shipped all over the place. We have to consume less to make this problem go away (if it really is a problem at all, which I am not convinced it is.)

How about newspapers and magazines? Is there still a need to buy subscriptions to these things now that we can go online and read most of them for free? No. But we do anyway. That's how capitalism works. To legislate change in how we live is going to require our country to become something other than a free capitalistic society and that's just never going happen. At the end of the day, all you can sacrifice are the little things that you're just comfortable enough with parting so that you feel like you've contributed to a solution. For Sheryl Crow, its wiping with one square per sitting. Hope she avoids the taco truck.

The Very Best of Sheryl Crow

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