Gibson tells ass. professor, 'F off!'

And the stories just keep coming. . .

Mel Gibson was a guest at a film class at Cal State University yesterday. The assistant professor of Central American Studies at the university, Alicia Estrada, began heavily pressuring Gibson to answer questions related to an upset over the protrayal of the mayan people in his epic film, "Apocalypto." Estrada, who was reportedly being very persistent, kept asking Gibson whether or not he read any books on Mayan culture prior to making his movie. Gibson finally responded with, "Lady, F*ck off."

A lot of blog readers are predicting (with great inaccuracy, I'm sure) that this is finally the end for Gibson. With great respect to the blogging community, I disagree whole-heartedly. Remember, we're talking about a man, who just before his epic film was to be picked up by a major distributor, was arrested for drunk driving and then made obscene anti-semitic remarks. Who can forget that? Well, despite the controversy, "Apocalypto" was a massive success and drew praise from film critics. I doubt telling a woman (who was bent out of shape over the way her ancestors were depicted in his movie) to fuck off will ruin his career.

Apocalypto - DVD

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