Armani uses pseudo kiddie porn advert

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In a world where there is an epidemic of pedophilia, where men who fantasize about girls between the ages of zero to seventeen, Giorgio Armani had a chance to show the world that his junior line was above using child sexuality as a tool to move some clothes. Instead, the fashion giant chose to fuel the fire.

A recent advertisement at shows a little girl in a bikini top standing with her arm around another girl. While at first glimpse, the picture may seem to be innocent enough, the subtext of this image is what I find most disturbing. The girl is not standing near water and she is definitely not swimming, so since she isn't dawning a bikini top for practicality, simple deductive reasoning makes it apparent that the motive intent of this post is to capitalize on the attitude and sexuality of the children in the image.

Is it too extreme to suggest that this style of advertising influences, supports, and endorses child sex offenders? Yes, I think I am being a little extreme; but not unnecessarily. I don't think anything less than an extreme approach to this would be suitable when it comes to the safety and well-being of our children.

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