The station merely requested a 60 second video of what I think it takes to have this job. I'm no expert, but I think it relies heavily on talking. Hey, I can DO that. Talking is my primary method of communication. I do it most everyday. What are you going to do, Movin 92.5, hire someone who's going spend their time on-air nodding their head? No. You need me. I talk!
Naturally, the first step I took in making this 60 second video was create a Facebook fan page for people to like. Not only would this help show the station that people support me in this, but it also lets me know that people support me on this. See? I'm not just crazy and trying to waste time and not have to deal with the kids or the laundry.
Finally, I made the video which I will share below. All I ask is that after you've taken the time to read this and watch this video, that you would choose one of the few simple "Take Action!" steps that follow. I would love this opportunity and every little bit of help helps. Ah, redundancy!
Take Action!
Please choose one of these simple steps below to help me out!
- Join the movement on Facebook: Get Chase Roper on Movin 92.5
- Post this on the wall The Movin 92.5 Facebook page: "I want to hear Chase Roper on the Brooke and Jubal morning show! "
- Make this your Twitter status: I want to hear @ChaseRoper on the @BrookeandJubal show on Movin 92.5!
- Share this blog post on Facebook.
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