Paris Hilton is free!

Our prayers have been answered. No longer will we have to suffer through news reports about small cold living quarters, or tear filled nights spent in jail because Paris Hilton is a free woman.

The Los Angeles County Sherrif's Department will be holding a news conference early this morning to discuss the details of how Hilton's 45 day sentence that was reduced to 23 really became just 3.


Robert said...

Look - I am not saying we hang her, but little primadona trust-fund babies need to learn than the world has consequences. We are not only doing them a disservice, but every American that pays taxes and relies on the justice system has just been beaten down by the LA judicial system.

I will reserve my rant for my blog

I am sure they are excited about the new Hilton Municipal Recreation Center that her Mommy and Daddy will be building for LA in 5 months, but overcrowding??? SHE HAD A PRIVATE CELL FOR F*&^SAKE! Was it too small for her and her liver?

I know I am only 19, but this can't be justice?!

Chase Roper said...

I completely understand what you're saying. Don't you also think though that it would have been tax money better spent to use that cell for several other inmates in an already overcrowded jail system than to just have Paris Hilton sitting in it? I mean, she obviously appears to need some real consequences in her life, but unfortunately she is famous and can't be mixed with general jail population. I think she should have been placed on house arrest from the beginning.

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